Thank you for joining the waitlist for the Free 5 Day Ads Challenge!
We will notify you when the next Ads Challenge starts on
Monday, February 3rd!
While you wait, check out the Online Marketing Podcast, where we share deep dive strategies to market & sell your offer every week!

You're on the waitlist for the Free 5 Day Ads Challenge!
Congratulations you're on the waitlist! I'm excited for our next 5 day Ads Challenge.
We host our Ads Challenge a couple of times a year!
We'll notify you when our next challenge is!
Make sure you have your email set up to receive emails from
I'll be sending tips and strategies in between challenges.
We open up the challenge once a year to our private waitlist and now we'll notify you when the next one is!
This is a unique challenge because I'll be showing you exactly what you need to do to set yourself up for success with your Facebook Ads strategy. And you're also going to start seeing me in your social media feed.
I'm going to walk you through how you can do this yourself with your own audience to get their eyes on YOU!
The Ads Challenge includes practical information that you can take action on right away, along with behind the scenes of my own Facebook Ads Manager, so you'll know EXACTLY what's going on.
So you can create ads that transform strangers into raving fan clients!
I can't wait to pixel you (more on that soon!) and get started.
See you soon!