5 Day Ads Challenge How To Create Facebook Ads That Transform Strangers Into Raving Clients! Watch Now: Lessons Will Be Removed Tonight NEXT STEPS> LEARN MORE ABOUT Adaptive Ads Course (2024 ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN) LEARN MORE: ADAPTIVE ADS COURSE Lesson 1 (Available to Watch) The New Opportunity Lesson 2 (Now Playing Below) 3 Marketing Musts Lesson 3 (Available to Watch) Influencing Secrets Lesson 4 (Available to Watch) Marketer's Map Blueprint (Available to Watch) Ad Copy Secrets & Becoming Adaptive Day 2: Lesson 2: 3 Marketing Musts Download Your Action Item Worksheet Now. Welcome to Day 2 of the Ads Challenge! Today is all about The Buyer's Journey and the 3 Marketing Musts for successful Facebook ads. Watch today's video, do the action item, and be sure to comment your progress in the comment box below!